Messages from the Aether

Posts Tagged ‘Stu Andrews

Just in case you missed some of the posts from this week, here are the summaries of what you’ve missed.

December Revive Published

The December issue of revive was published last week, and hit the churches on Sunday. This post has my reflections on the blogs and sites reviewed in the Messages from the Aether section.

The Case against buying Christmas Presents

Leo Babauta from Zen Habits presents a strong case against buying Christmas Presents. I reflect on this, adding my own comments about maybe restricting present buying, or buying ethical presents this season.

Preaching from an iPad

Give sermons regularly? Bought yourself an iPad? Considering doing a sermon from your iPad? Reflections here on technical issues and presentation issues.

Picking the right password

Internet security is a big issues, and at the most basic level is having a strong password. iiNet give some guidelines, I give my tips on choosing strong but memorable passwords.

Why this Christian is for the R18+ video games classification

I was rather surprised with the timing for this article. I’d scheduled it a few days earlier, and then the morning that it was to be published the Australian Government came out in support of an R18+ classification. This post is my reflections on why an R18+ classification is a good thing.

Easy as… Cake?: Jeph and Craig’s Poversations

Jeph talks about using people’s talents for the benefit of the church. I mention a bit of warning in that some people don’t want to use their talents for the church. Don’t take the answer as no, just as “not now.” Someone at my church was working in a preschool, and as such didn’t want to work with children at church. But she still helped out in the admin area. She later moved, took up a new job doing admin related work, and was happy to help out in her new church’s children’s ministry.

50 things the Holy Spirit Does: Reimagining Church

Frank Viola lists 50 things the Holy Spirit does, complete with bible references. I share one of my favourite praise and worship songs, Holy Spirit Rain Down.

Bad Day for a Good Lesson: Called to Rebuild

Josh Lawson talks about how when we experience a problem, more often than not it is not someone else that is the problem, you are the problem. Be humble, take a step back, and see how you might be contributing to the problem.

Do Christian Parents Seek God’s Wisdom: A Creative Christian

Stu Andrews talks about decision-making, and while Stu relates his post specifically to parenting, I feel that it can be applicable to anyone making any decision. Get into the habit of going to God to seek his wisdom in any situation, so that when a big decision comes, you’ve got the processes in place to deal with it.

Advent Spiral at Glimpse: Wonderful Awful Things

This morning, I shared a link of Wonderful Awful Things where they set up an Advent Spiral just before the start of Advent. I shared some different Christmas traditions both global and family traditions, and asked you to share what you do during Advent.

So that’s the first week (and a bit) of this blog. I want to thank you for reading so far, and hope you’ve enjoyed it. Remember, let me know what posts you like, so that I can post more like them. Don’t forget the share buttons at the bottom of each post to share with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. I’m thinking I’ll keep going on the daily posts for now, see how I go, try to keep it up. And don’t forget, if you spy a blog post that you find interesting, let me know! Whether it’s yours or someone elses, send me a link and I’ll make sure to take a look and maybe feature it. Have a great weekend!

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  • John O'Keefe: thanks for sharing - but it sure took you a long time to get around to reading it :) LOL
  • Ben Clapton: No problems Stu! Thank you for the post :) While I am from the Uniting Church, I only work there. I'm actually Salvation Army (though also from Chu
  • Stu Andrews: Wow, hey there Ben! Got a nice surprise just now seeing a backlink to my post and followed it here. I see you (from the About page) are from the Un

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